You will get 1 B-29 Remote Control Airplane with Infrared
Laser & 1 B-2 Remote Control Airplane with Infrared
Laser. (Total of 2 airplanes) Two people can have alot of
fun shooting eachothers plane down with Infrared Lasers.
Both airplanes come to you complete with everything you
need. While flying these airplanes, you are able to "HIT"
the other plane with the Infrared Laser and that plane
which got "HIT" will lose all control and drop for 5-7
seconds and then pick the control back up. You are able
to control the Laser shooting from your remote control.
This is a MUST HAVE ITEM! Very fun for all ages!
***$6.95 flat rate shipping on all orders check here for more details!***
Each Airplanes Key Features:
- Battery Operated R/C Plane
- 2 Channel Transmitter
- 2 Engine Propellers
- Left/Right Control by Thrust Differentiation and Motor
- Speed Control
- Progressive Motor Speed Control
- Flys over 200 Feet High
- Brake for easy Landing!!
- Charges in just minutes
Each Airplane Includes:
- 2 Motors
- 2-Channel Transmitter
- 4 Propellers (2 spares)
- 7.2 volt Battery Pack with Charger (value $39.99)
- Decals
- Instructional Manual
Fighting Competition:
The setting of the planes is used for air fighting. When
the opposite plane comes near, about 20 meters in
distance, press the attack button on your transmitter,
your plane will trace the object and attack it. When the
plane is beaten by the other plane, the propellers of the
plane will stop and it will fall down, gliding.
About 5-7 seconds later, the beaten plane will return to
normal state and it can receive instructions sent by the
transmitter to control its usual flying once again.